On Thursday 18th May in Belgrade, the action “Just not by car” took place. The action had a goal to promote using of alternative ways of transport to work. This year’s action took place within the project “Climate Smart Urban Development Challenge”. The officials of Ministry of agriculture and environmental protection joined the action as well as representatives of UNDP.
The project “Climate Smart Urban Development Challenge” (so called acclimatization of urban development) is realized by Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, with technical assistance of UNDP and financial assistance of Global Environmental Facility (GEF) as well as other partners.
The main goal of the project is to promote the concept of “local development resistant to climate change” in Republic of Serbia, which contributes to reduce greenhouse gases emissions on a local level.
The objective of the action is to promote sustainable mobility in function of combating climate change, but also draw attention on more frequent traffic jams, pollution and health issues which are caused by motor vehicles.
The action also had an objective to involved individuals in reduction of greenhouse gases emissions, which lead to protection of environment and natural resources. In addition, the action contributes to improve health of individuals and the population in general.
Short video about the action you can find below.