About the Project
The project supports the Government of Serbia in strengthening the methodologies and tools necessary to enhance transparency as described in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement. The project will finalize and launch a monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) system that will allow Serbia to define and implement climate change-related policies and measures as expressed in its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) effectively, and will allow the country to undertake more ambitious commitments in its NDCs over time.
Expected Outcomes
National transparency capacities for tracking NDC progress from mitigation activities strengthened
National transparency capacities for NDC tracking and reporting on vulnerability and adaptation strengthened
Domestic efficient MRV system for updating the NDCs that supports stakeholder engagement established and launched
Capacity building for competent institutions for the development of GHG emissions projections that fulfill the criteria of transparency, accuracy, consistency, comparability and completeness conducted
National GHG Inventories improved and country-specific emission factors for CO2 from different sectors developed
NDC tracking and reporting training programme on climate change adaptation and mitigation for specific institutions prepared and conducted
NDC tracking and reporting on climate change adaptation aligned with DRR tracking and reporting
Climate change issues integrated into other sectorial policies (Agriculture, Water Management, Forestry, Biodiversity, Energy, Transport, Waste Management, Industry etc.)
Institutional capacities further strengthened, and awareness raised related to climate change issues
Duration March 2019 – March 2022
More information about the project: http://www.rs.undp.org/content/serbia/en/home/projects/establishing-transparency-framework-for-the-republic-of-serbia.html
Project related events and results:
News on held inception workshop of the project – April 2019
3-day workshop on MRV system establishment, ETF and mechanisms for tracking NDC – November 2019
NDC revision is ongoing – October 2020
Establishing a Transparency Framework for Serbia – October 2020
Proposal of comprehensive national monitoring, reporting and verification system (MRV) – April 2021
First training on monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system: MRV-IT Module 1: GHG Inventory – July 2021
Project related publications:
Study on socio-economic aspects of climate change in the Republic of Serbia
Study on Nature Based Climate Solutions in Serbia