The initial training on newly developed MRV-IT system was organized jointly by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the United Nations Development Programme. The MRV-IT system contains six different modules, and the first training was focused on MRV-IT Module 1: Greenhouse Gas Inventory (GHGI).
The MRV-IT system was developed within the project “Establishing a Transparency Framework for Serbia” to improve reporting on climate change policies and measures, providing more transparent processes, enabling a better and timely exchange of data and information, and strengthening cooperation between all relevant institutions at the national and local levels. More than 20 participants, representatives of relevant ministries, agencies, and institutes involved in the preparation of the GHG inventory successfully finalized the training.
First part of the training was focused on the newly developed MRV-IT system, its functionalities, and new reporting obligations under the UNFCCC, the Paris Agreement, the European Union, etc. The MRV-IT system will contribute better quality of data, timely reporting and developing adequate policies and measures in the field of climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as better monitoring of NDCs implementation.
During the training, it was pointed out that the establishment of a functional MRV system will further contribute to the implementation of the recently adopted Law on Climate Change. The Law on Climate Change and its Chapters 5 and 6 (Articles 55-65) closely define System for monitoring and reporting on national GHG emissions.
The set of trainings on MRV-IT system will continue from September 2021, for all institutions at the national and local level involved in data collection and/or reporting in the field of climate change.
Presentations from the event could be found below: