Mitigation actions in Serbia


Concept of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions – ab. NAMAs, represents one of the key components of climate change mitigation at international level. This concept integrates policies and concrete actions of developing countries directed towards GHG emission reductions, in compliance with national circumstances and differentiated responsibilities.
The concept of NAMA was first introduced in official documents of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, through Bali Action Plan (adopted in 2007). Bali action plan is based on four concepts, representing basis for combating climate change, namely: (i) Mitigation (ii) Adaptation (iii) Technologies and (iv) Financing, including NAMAs as a key component for mitigation. Bali Action Plan introduces NAMAs as a concept of GHG emission reductions for industrialized and developing countries. However, in continuation of negotiating process under the Convention, NAMAs have been defined as actions to mitigate climate change only in the developing countries. IN the very essence, the point is to support integration of NAMAs actions into development strategies and policies with low carbon emissions.

Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) are voluntary measures towards mitigation of climate change adopted by countries. In international negotiation under United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the concept of NAMA was first introduced in 2007 at the 13th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) in Bali, Indonesia. NAMA is a part of national action on mitigation of climate change by developing country Parties in the context of sustainable development supported and enabled by technology, financing and capacity-building, in an MRV (measurable, reportable, and verifiable) manner.  These NAMAs may include a project, plan, program or strategy for GHG emissions reduction at country or sub-national level, and are selected and administrated based on each country’s national priorities including long-term national development strategy and plan.

Serbia has developed 12 NAMA projects so far and submitted them to the NAMA Registry of the Convention Secretariat. The purpose of NAMA Registry is to keep record of NAMA projects in terms of providing available financial assistance, technology transfer and capacity building, as well as to recognize them. For more information, please visit web page of the NAMA Registry.