UNDP in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection organised the training on planning for implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The training took place on regional level, last month in Belgrade.
The adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015 at the COP 21 (Conference of the parties) was one of the key moments for implementation of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Agreement provided a universal platform for all countries to take action towards a commonly agreed goal. The requirement for adoption of the Agreement was submission of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs). The INDCs set out each country’s approach to global reducing of GHG emissions. Some countries that submitted the INDCs included the adaptation part to the climate change, and among them is the Republic of Serbia.
Since COP 21, countries have started to ratify the Paris Agreement, which entered into force on 4th November 2016, and confirm their INDCs that became NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions). In the future, countries will be required to submit updated and more ambitious NDCs every five years and implement activities to achieve those goals.
Republic of Serbia submitted the INDCs in June 2015. Further activities will include the improvement of NDCs, which will be realized through the project activities in the field of climate change, especially through the Climate Strategy and Action plan.
The training was intended for representatives of relevant institutions and UNDP in the region of the Western Balkans (Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania) and Moldova. During the training, participants gain insight into the following aspects of the implementation NDCS:
- Understanding the complexity of the implementation of NDCs,
- Exchange of experiences regarding plans for the implementation of NDCs,
- Establishment of the process for the implementation of NDCs (establishment of coordination mechanisms, the integration of climate change issues in the planning of sectoral and national policies, involvement of all stakeholders and coherence with the goals of sustainable development and the process of accession to EU.)
The participants had a chance to learn about the process of developing an implementation plan on NDCs, in a part of mitigation as well as adaptation. After the presentation of results, the discussion led to the conclusion that the Governments should as soon as possible start the process of developing their NDCs, immediately after the ratification of the Paris Agreement. The recommendation is that all countries, in their NDCs, should include mitigation as well as the adaptation part.
On the link below there are all countries that submitted INDCs including Serbia:
The list of countries that submitted the NDCs:
More useful informations about the training can be found in a short movie: