The joint High-Level Segment of COP 22/CMP 12/CMA1 is opening on Tuesday, 15 November 2016.
More than 150 heads of States and Governments have been invited by His Majesty Mohammed VI, King of Morocco to attend this event. This will give a strong impetus to the ongoing negotiations over the operationalization of the Paris Climate Agreement. It should also provide high-level guidance in enhancing pre-2020 ambition to reduce GHG emissions in order to comply with the countries’ INDC/NDC commitments.
At this point, despite the efforts of the governments and other stakeholders around the Globe to reduce GHG emissions, there is still a huge gap in attaining the 1,5 and 2 C goals. More on this gap and how to close it, can be obtained from the “Emissions Gap Report for 2016”
On 18th of November, Serbia and UNDP are hosting a Side Event at the Marrakech UNFCCC CoP titled: :Supporting NDCs implementation in Serbia – the role of CSOs and local communities”. This event will, among other issues, present the new “Climate Smart Urban Development Challenge” project aiming to support climate resilience and GHG emissions reduction at municipal level. The event can be followed live here