On the initiative of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Serbian Environmental Protection Agency, Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), supported by UN Development Programme (UNDP), organized a workshop on GHG Inventory and management review. The workshop took place in the period from 21 to 25 January 2019, with a goal to investigate possible improvements of Serbian GHG Inventory.
The workshop gathered representatives from relevant institutions, which are crucial for data providing, necessary for calculation of GHG emissions for all sectors (energy, industry and product use, agriculture, land use, land use change, forestry and waste). Besides relevant representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Serbian Environmental Protection Agency, the workshop was attended by representatives of the Republic statistical office, Ministry of agriculture, forestry and water management, Republic hydrometeorological service, Ministry of construction, transport and infrastructure, Transport and Agriculture Faculties of University of Belgrade, Public electricity company of Serbia (EPS), Electro network company of Serbia (EMS) and etc.
Workshop is crucial from the quality of the Inventory, mainly for improvement of quality of activity data and calculation of GHG emissions, which will lead to more precise definition of adequate policies and measures for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Additionally, the quality Inventory will improve reporting of GHG emissions, monitoring and evaluation of emission reduction and defining of future policies and measures (mainly through National Determined Contributions – NDCs), in accordance with the Paris Agreement.