
Ms. Zvezdana Vuletić obtained her academic education at the Faculty of Political Sciences, at the Department of International Studies in 2020. During her studies, she participated in various volunteer internship and personal development programs. She worked on improving the conditions and extracurricular opportunities for development as a member of the board of the FPN Debate Club, to find her views and desire to improve youth education on sustainable development in the student organization oikos Belgrade, where in 2018 she became president and led a team with which has organized numerous projects to raise awareness and improve education on climate change and sustainability. Subsequently, in 2020, as Vice President of oikos International, an international student-led organization, she worked to empower and encourage students as agents of change to transform their local university ecosystems in their colleges that raise awareness of the opportunities and challenges of the sustainability concept. direction of building institutional support for curriculum reform.

Ms. Vuletic is the representative of Serbian youth at the PreCOP26 Youth Summit for Climate held in Milan, organized by the Italian Ministry of Environment in cooperation with Great Britain, where together with delegates from 196 countries, she presented the problems of young people in the field of climate change in Serbia. in passing a document presented to world leaders at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow.